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Seleta: 134 melhores músicas da série Música para Escrever 2019

Em 2019, a série Música para Escrever divulgou 256 discos (entre álbuns, EPs e singles) de 130 bandas e artistas de 32 países (confira neste post aqui), com os melhores sons de post-rock, a alumiar a mente e transcender em palavras. Confira a Seleta com as 134 melhores músicas (a espanhola Fürio e a francesa HIЯRMA não foram incluídas por não terem mais as músicas disponíveis nas plataformas):

Ouça no Spotify aqui [faltam 11 músicas]*

Ouça no YouTube aqui
[faltam as músicas da Charun e da Weirdo Room]

01) En Saga [Avalon]

02) VI [Himmelsrandt]

03) My Stranger Thing [Lief Sjostrom]

04) Heart of Ocean [Wang Wen]

05) 1911 第一回 1st Mov. [Zhaoze]

06) DRZ [Milhaven]

07) Chaos [Another Neighbor Disappeared]

08) Noumenon [Bear the Mammoth]

09) Ultraradiotransponder [Have The Moskovik]

10) The Dawn Thief [Whale Fall]

11) Hurricane [Ruin!Ruins!]

12) Farewell [Alnea]

13) Deaf [Rhone]

14) Goodbye, Pt. 1 / Pt. 2 [Aurora Borealis]

15) Tunnel of Memories [Hualun]

16) 2 Moments of Clarity Before You Fall Asleep [i am no hero]

17) Days and Lights [Jet Plane]

18) This World, It’s Wrong [seahorses]

19) Passacaglia (fugler med ord i nebbet) [Spurv]

20) A French Galleasse [Rachel’s]

21) Walesa [KOVLO]

22) Blackout [A Swarm of the Sun]

23) A Problem in Grammar [Often the Thinker]

24) Nature [NYOS]

25) Regnar Regnar [Falcon Arrow]

26) Dolores [Tunica Dartos]

27) Ibn Ezra [Fat Old Donald]

28) Cracks [SOLS]

29) Nebula [Sigma Ori]

30) Creep [MotherFather]

31) After The Brilliance [December]

32) Æ [Avalon]

33) Sunny Days [i am no hero]

34) The World is a Blue Stone | 世界是块忧伤的石头 [Zhaoze]

35) Together [Dawn Chorus Ignites]

36) Wasted Lands [Hymns for the Angels]

37) Indian Paintbrush [Unwed Sailor]

38) En Bicicleta [Montaña]

39) Elegy Too Many [Long Hallways]


41) Morning of White [Aurora Borealis]

42) Autumn Rain [Himmelsrandt]

43) Aurora Borealis [Lief Sjostrom]

44) The Pilot is The Builder. [Shipwreck Karpathos]

45) East [Rosetta]

46) Overcome by Darkness [Startle the Heavens]

47) Poa Alpina [Biosphere]

48) Stars [Fading Tapes]

49) Quiet Victory [First Came The Shadow]

50) La Caída [elhombreanormal]

51) With Terror and Slaughter Return [Ranges]

52) Pyre [We Shine Every Night]

53) So//o(utro) [tezce]

54) Colorado [Aukai]

55) San Solomon [Balmorhea]

56) I am Free, That is Why I’m Lost [Aesthesys]

57) The Silent Ascension [The Further I Go]

58) And There was Peace in our Hearts for all the Dark Things that Surrounded Us [VLMV]

59) The Light Unbalances Her [Levi Patel]

60) Snow Song [Sleep Dealer]

61) Haikeille Muistoille [Kurkijávri]

62) La Chaussure [The Dry Mouths]

63) Sieve of Eratosthenes [Stubborn Tiny Lights VS Clustering Darkness Forever OK]

64) The Fall [BRUIT ≤]

65) Clouds of Smoke [Minor Movements]

66) A Gathering [Gullwing]

67) Avfärd [Sagor Som Leder Mot Slutet]

68) Mælstrøm [Colaris]

69) Fuchs [kokomo]

70) Canon of Echoes [codeia]

71) Malacoda [Charun]

72) Trading Shadows [Night Verses]

73) Revisited [///snippet.upper.laser]

74) Green Architect [Jardín de la Croix]

75) Suicitation [Alone on the Moon]

76) Closed Circuit [Transmission Zero]

77) Primul Metrou de Dimineață [Am Fost La Munte Și Mi-a Plăcut]

78) Muktuk [Their Methlab]

79) Sorrows [Valerinne]

80) The Dream Passes [Seeress]

81) Versus The Dark [All The Bright Lights]

82) Our Gods are Made on Earth [Last Builders of Empire]

83) Stars in an Ocean of Darkness [Fjord]

84) Båtsman [Sejd]

85) Pissing Stars [Efrim Manuel Menuck]

86) Youth [Meuban]

87) Beyond [Lazybones Flame Kids]

88) Resistance [Around The World in 80 Days]

89) Tales of Lights [Maven]

90) Human [Minoria]

91) Introns [Apeirophilia]

92) Sane [darius]

93) Return [Outlander]

94) Memories of a Spacesuit [MoYaN]

95) Descending [Zammorian]

96) Alud II [El lenguaje como obstáculo]

97) 1491 [heklAa]

98) Bright Line [Weirdo Room]

99) 3-1 [Glittering Blackness, Fall]

100) Tides Tale [AUGURE]

101) Dalla Luna [Eileen Sol]

102) L’animale Morente [Salome Lego Playset]

103) Far From Home [Driving Slow Motion]

104) On His Wings Hung Regret and Remorse [TIDINGS]

105) Festive and Peaceless [Planisphere]

106) Equinox [Pillars]

107) Summoning [Into Orbit]

108) L’appel du Vide [Kota Kota]

109) In Cycles [The Clouds Will Clear]

110) May I Find Beauty in Darkness for Yours has Blinded Me [Black Narcissus]

111) You’ll Love it Here Forever [Glacier]

112) Yozora [Triple Deer]

113) Alva [Loud Exit]

114) Engine Down [CAVALLO]

115) Defiant Optimism [Wess Meets West]

116) 6.19 [James Anthony]

117) Distant Echoes [Only Echoes Remain]

118) Hell in Mozart’s Home [one hour before the trip]

119) Vortex Lyre [Sairen]

120) Adem / Blast [Hope & Black Cloud]

121) El Agujero en la Cerca de Tu Jardín [Triste Polizonte]

122) This Alley Is Right Up My Alley [A.M. feelgood]

123) Stumbler [Prynum]

124) Conversationalist [Change of Plans]

125) Ships Sail the Horizon [Beware the Blue Sky]

126) 津梅棧橋 Jin-Mei Bridge [Bugs of Phonon]

127) Structures in the Clouds [Paraphon Tree]

128) Receiving End [Town Portal]

129) Siberiano [Runa Gaman]

130) Totem [Herskin]

131) Monitor [laedj.]

132) Jormungandr [Cracked Machine]

133) What We All Come to Need [Pelican]

134) Moon Dragon [Paleons]

* As 11 músicas que não estão disponíveis no Spotify: “DRZ”, da Milhaven; “Tunnel of Memories”, da Hualun; “Haikeille Muistoille”, de Kurkijávri; “The Fall”, da BRUIT ≤; “1491”, de heklAa; “In Cycles”, da The Clouds Will Clear; “May I Find Beauty in Darkness for Yours has Blinded Me”, da Black Narcissus; “Hell in Mozart’s Home”, da one hour before the trip; “Adem / Blast”, da Hope & Black Cloud; “Conversationalist”, da Change of Plans; e “津梅棧橋 Jin-Mei Bridge”, da Bugs of Phonon.

Background: Gordon Johnson from Pixabay


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