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Seleta: Counting Crows

Eu sou fã do som de “August and Everything After” (1993), o álbum de estreia da banda californiana Counting Crows. Para mim, uma referência de mixagem, masterização, timbragem e execução, tudo no lugar certinho, o som da batera, nossa, muito bom! Além disso, as canções são lindas demais: as baladas “Raining in Baltimore” [citei até numa música minha], “Perfect Blue Buildings”, “Anna Begins” e “Time and Time Again”, as estradeiras “Rain King” e “A Murder of One”, e o megahit “Mr. Jones”, que toca muito por aqui até hoje.

Baladas e pop rock para pegar estrada resumem bem a eficiência da Counting Crows, a sombra e a luz de uma melancolia solar, imersão e fuga, antíteses que se complementam numa mescla de folk, blues, rock e country, músicos exímios e um vocalista figuraça que às vezes exagera na interpretação [melhor ouvir os discos]. Counting Crows e a importância da poesia nas letras, uma das bandas preferidas dos anos 1990, recomendo!

Na Seleta de hoje, as 77 músicas que mais gosto, gravadas por Counting Crows, presentes em seis álbuns e um EP da discografia oficial do grupo (os prediletos são “August and Everything After”, “This Desert Life” e “Hard Candy”). Prepara as malas e inclua Counting Crows na sua viagem, tanto na alegria, quanto na tristeza!

Ouça no Spotify aqui

Ouça no YouTube aqui

01) Mr. Jones [August and Everything After, 1993]

02) Rain King [August and Everything After, 1993]

03) Mrs. Potter's Lullaby [This Desert Life, 1999]

04) Four Days [This Desert Life, 1999]

05) Children in Bloom [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

06) Perfect Blue Buildings [August and Everything After, 1993]

07) Anna Begins [August and Everything After, 1993]

08) Raining in Baltimore [August and Everything After, 1993]

09) Colorblind [This Desert Life, 1999]

10) Miller's Angels [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

Os seis álbuns e um EP participantes desta Seleta

11) Amy Hit the Atmosphere [This Desert Life, 1999]

12) Good Time [Hard Candy, 2002]

13) Miami [Hard Candy, 2002]

14) Time and Time Again [August and Everything After, 1993]

15) Sullivan Street [August and Everything After, 1993]

16) Goodnight Elisabeth [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

17) Holiday in Spain [Hard Candy, 2002]

18) A Long December [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

19) Goodnight L.A. [Hard Candy, 2002]

20) Round Here [August and Everything After, 1993]

Counting Crows no início dos anos 1990

21) A Murder of One [August and Everything After, 1993]

22) I Wish I Was a Girl [This Desert Life, 1999]

23) Hard Candy [Hard Candy, 2002]

24) Hanginaround [This Desert Life, 1999]

25) Monkey [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

26) If I Could Give All My Love (Richard Manuel is Dead) [Hard Candy, 2002]

27) I'm Not Sleeping [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

28) Butterfly in Reverse [Hard Candy, 2002]

29) Ghost Train [August and Everything After, 1993]

30) Omaha [August and Everything After, 1993]

Adam Duritz (voz), David Bryson (guitarra), Charlie Gillingham (teclados), Millard Powers (baixo), Jim Bogios (bateria), David Immerglück (guitarra) e
Dan Vickrey (guitarra)

31) Speedway [This Desert Life, 1999]

32) Why Should You Come When I Call? [Hard Candy, 2002]

33) Black and Blue [Hard Candy, 2002]

34) Anyone But You [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

35) You Can't Count on Me [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

36) Daylight Fading [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

37) American Girls [Hard Candy, 2002]

38) Big Yellow Taxi [Hard Candy, 2002]

39) Sundays [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

40) Earthquake Driver [Somewhere Under Wonderland, 2014]

41) St. Robinson in His Cadillac Dream [This Desert Life, 1999]

42) Possibility Days [Somewhere Under Wonderland, 2014]

43) Washington Square [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

44) On Almost Any Sunday Morning [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

45) Carriage [Hard Candy, 2002]

46) All My Friends [This Desert Life, 1999]

47) Up All Night (Frankie Miller Goes to Hollywood) [Hard Candy, 2002]

48) Have You Seen Me Lately? [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

49) Angels of the Silences [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

50) Come Around [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

Foto: Ehud Lazin

51) Shallow Days (Demo) [August and Everything After (deluxe edition), 2007]

52) Kid Things [This Desert Life, 1999]

53) Insignificant [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

54) Dislocation [Somewhere Under Wonderland, 2014]

55) Another Horsedreamer's Blues [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

56) Recovering the Satellites [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

57) High Life [This Desert Life, 1999]

58) Scarecrow [Somewhere Under Wonderland, 2014]

59) Cover Up the Sun [Somewhere Under Wonderland, 2014]

60) Walkaways [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

61) When I Dream of Michelangelo [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

62) The Ghost in You (live) [August and Everything After (deluxe edition), 2007]

63) Le Ballet D'or [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

64) The Tall Grass [Butter Miracle, Suite One, 2021]

65) 4 White Stallions [Hard Candy, 2002]

66) Los Angeles [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

67) Bobby and the Rat-Kings [Butter Miracle, Suite One, 2021]

68) John Appleseed's Lament [Somewhere Under Wonderland, 2014]

69) Margery Dreams of Horses (live) [August and Everything After (deluxe edition), 2007]

70) Hanging Tree [Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings, 2008]

O vocalista Adam Duritz hoje em dia, sem os dreads que marcaram a sua imagem no Counting Crows

71) Angel of 14th Street [Butter Miracle, Suite One, 2021]

72) Elevator Boots [Butter Miracle, Suite One, 2021]

73) God of Ocean Tides [Somewhere Under Wonderland, 2014]

74) This Land is Your Land (Acoustic Demo) [August and Everything After (deluxe edition), 2007]

75) Mean Jumper Blues (Acoustic Demo) [August and Everything After (deluxe edition), 2007]

76) Catapult [Recovering the Satellites, 1996]

77) Palisades Park [Somewhere Under Wonderland, 2014]


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